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FeelSchool – an app to help men with emotions


As well as web design for counsellors and small businesses, I’ve got another project on the go called FeelSchool. This came about while I was travelling and working and took part in a mastermind about finding meaning in our work.

FeelSchool aims to improve emotional health in men of all ages & reduce male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK. (Source: CALM website)

Men are less likely to seek help from counsellors, so by creating an app that offers easy access to emotional intelligence skills in easy to understand language, we hope to bring this help to those who might not otherwise access it.

I’m currently undergoing counselling training myself so I will be qualified to write the content. That training will take a few years yet, so I’d love to work with counsellors, psychologists and therapists with expertise in the areas of anger management, stress management and interpersonal relationships to make this project happen sooner. If you’d like to get involved, drop me a line at hello@feelschool.co
