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Category: 10 step marketing guide

Marketing your counselling practice pt9: Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps you see trends in website traffic, how this traffic relates to your marketing efforts and monitor how people are finding & using your site.

Marketing your counselling practice pt8: Measuring what works

To get the best from the marketing you do for your counselling or therapist website, you need to know what’s working and what isn’t. You can save yourself time and money once you know what works and what doesn’t. Measuring this can be tricky, but read on for some tips. Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools […]

Marketing your counselling practice pt7 – Email newsletters

Now you’ve read part six and have people signing up to your mailing list you can send them a regular newsletter with information about your products and services, or update them whenever you publish a new blog article. We’re going to use Mailchimp as an example again. Make it brief, and useful Make your newsletter […]
